Good things happen


Versione Italiana


It 's spring in Pretoria; Streets are flooded by a sea of purple jacaranda flowers. You would like to forget domestic problems and those of neighbour countries but the media drumming does not give up. Scandal after scandal, tragedy after tragedy, we are reminded that we live in turbulent times, of precarious balances.

Sowing hope is increasingly becoming limited to spiritual work, related to the sanctity of individuals, with little or no connection with the world around us.


Climate change event
Climate change event

Yet the good things happen. The last past few weeks have witnessed important events that have in some way revived me, reminding me how thousands of men and women continue to work for the common good, with commitment and spirit of sacrifice. The Paris Agreement shall enter into force on November 4, having been ratified by the required majorities; an agreement was also reached on the reduction of CO2 emissions in the aviation sector and another agreement for the reduction of hydro-Fluor-carbonate gases (HFCs) in refrigeration systems. The Conference of the Parties of the Convention on the protection of endangered species, held in Johannesburg between September and October recorded unprecedented participation and number of adopted resolutions.

Meanwhile, as public opinion and governments continue to create problems for trade agreements with Canada and the US, the agreement between the European Union and Southern Africa (South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Botswana and Mozambique) has entered enters into force with bi-partisan plaudits.


Such results are important though not definitive nor unambiguously good. As these are instrument, what matters is that use that will be made. All of us are entrusted occasions of good, family, study, work, where holiness and the community find substance and hope.


 Let us talk, share, and do hope.


Massimo De Luca